Saturday, August 17, 2013

Diary Entry #27

8:00 pm, Saturday, August 17th, 2013
Dear Online Diary,
      Man, it's been FOREVER!! I really wanted to post but I never got the chance to, my summer was JAM PACKED! Well, now I'm back to blogging, and have lots to tell you. 

 1: I TURNED 10!! Expect a birthday post soon....

2: I'm going into 5th grade. School starts September 1st.

 3: My Owner's Grandma came out again, but this time, her Grandpa came too.

4: There's a good strong chance that I might be moving. We have a certain something running around the house, (Sneak Peek from my birthday post!!) and with the certain someone and my sister coming, the house is just not big enough.

5: Heehee, who do you think the certain someone is? Comment below and take some guesses!

6: I found out that my sister is the same age as me. Yayayay!

7: School shopping. My mom and I went together and we bought me a backpack, notebook, pencils, highlighter, lunch bag, pencil case......etc

8: SWIMMING! Lots and lots of swimming has been going on this summer.

9: New movies! We went to see Despicable Me 2 and Monsters University at a drive in theater. I liked MU better.

10: IDLEWILD!! Those of you who live in PA know what I'm talking about ;-)

11: Tons and I mean tons of sleepovers! I ♥ my BFF'S

That's pretty much it. I'm going to get to work on the last Hershey Post!

Addy Rose

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